Note: This app is only available to Shopify Plus customers. Shopify Scripts are customizations written in Ruby that allow you to create personalized customer experiences. Using line item, shipping, and payment scripts you can implement custom logic and tailor the user experience during a customer’s checkout journey. Scripts are enabled on a store’s checkout by using the Script Editor app. Since the app hosts scripts you’ve created on Shopify’s servers, they can affect the cart and checkout at a fundamental level without the need of third-party apps or externally hosted plugins. There are three different types of Shopify Scripts: Line item scripts affect line items in the cart and can change prices and grant discounts. Note: Theme modifications may be required to show the discount amount or messages in the cart and/or checkout. Shipping scripts interact with shipping, and can rename, show, hide, or reorder shipping methods and grant discounts on shipping rates. Payment scripts interact with payments, and can rename, show, hide, or reorder payment gateways. Write a Shopify Script based on our provided templates, follow our documentation to build your own, or use a script creator solution to get started. Some examples include: Line item scripts Percentage (%) or fixed ($) discounts, or a combination of both BOGO discounts with simple or complex logic (buy one get one free, buy two get 10% off, buy four get 20% off) Dynamic pricing for volume-based price breaks Tiered discounts by spending thresholds (quantity or dollar based) Disallow discount codes during a promotion Calculate Value-Added Tax (VAT) for European shoppers Shipping scripts Modify, hide, or reorder shipping method names and prices Free shipping for VIP or subscription customers Payment scripts Modify, hide, or reorder payment gateway methods Auto select default payment method Note: This app is only available to Shopify Plus customers. Shopify Scripts are customizations written in Ruby that allow you to create personalized customer experiences. Using line item, shipping, and payment scripts you can implement custom logic and tailor the user experience during a customer’s checkout journey. Scripts are enabled on a store’s checkout by using the Script Editor app. Since the app hosts scripts you’ve created on Shopify’s servers, they can affect the cart and checkout at a fundamental level without the need of third-party apps or externally hosted plugins. There are three different types of Shopify Scripts: Line item scripts affect line items in the cart and can change prices and grant discounts. Note: Theme modifications may be required to show the discount amount or messages in the cart and/or checkout. Shipping scripts interact with shipping, and can rename, show, hide, or reorder shipping methods and grant discounts on shipping rates. Payment scripts interact with payments, and can rename, show, hide, or reorder payment gateways. Write a Shopify Script based on our provided templates, follow our documentation to build your own, or use a script creator solution to get started. Some examples include: Line item scripts Percentage (%) or fixed ($) discounts, or a combination of both BOGO discounts with simple or complex logic (buy one get one free, buy two get 10% off, buy four get 20% off) Dynamic pricing for volume-based price breaks Tiered discounts by spending thresholds (quantity or dollar based) Disallow discount codes during a promotion Calculate Value-Added Tax (VAT) for European shoppers Shipping scripts Modify, hide, or reorder shipping method names and prices Free shipping for VIP or subscription customers Payment scripts Modify, hide, or reorder payment gateway methods Auto select default payment method