Control your product's global reach. Block products/variants/sections by country and state with ease
Blocking products, variants, and sections by country/state is an essential feature for any e-commerce business that operates in different regions. This feature allows stores to comply with different legal regulations, such as restrictions on certain products in specific countries or states. By blocking products, variants, and sections based on geographic location, stores can ensure that they are not accidentally selling products in regions where they are not permitted, protecting legal standing.
We are selling in 20 different countrys, so for us this app is amazing. The support helped us fast und correct to hide any collections, anvigations and products from different countries.
United States
The app works great and support is always able to help with prompt solutions.
United Kingdom
Essential for anyone trying to sell worldwide from the same store via local warehouses that might not have (or be allowed to stock) all the products. Swift response to my question to check it allows googlebot through.