Product Comparify If your customers are confused as to which of the two products is worthy of them, then our app will give your customers a chance to compare those two products and help them choose the right product. Who needs this type of app? Every store has a very large quantity of product so that the customers are confused as to which product is useful or worthy for them. So customers can add the product to the comparator list and compare even the smallest property of the product so that the customer can make an accurate decision Can this app reduce the workload of store owner ? Yes, By this app the customers can compare the product and pick the right product for them so that the return request to the store owner is less so that the work load of the store owner is less Once a customer comes to the compare page through our app, then customer does not have to change the page to compare another product, customer can stay on that page and select other products and compare. Our app also offer the product selection on the Compare page where customer can select collection wise product. To watch the live demo you can check out our demo store whose url you can see below. Product Comparify If your customers are confused as to which of the two products is worthy of them, then our app will give your customers a chance to compare those two products and help them choose the right product. Who needs this type of app? Every store has a very large quantity of product so that the customers are confused as to which product is useful or worthy for them. So customers can add the product to the comparator list and compare even the smallest property of the product so that the customer can make an accurate decision Can this app reduce the workload of store owner ? Yes, By this app the customers can compare the product and pick the right product for them so that the return request to the store owner is less so that the work load of the store owner is less Once a customer comes to the compare page through our app, then customer does not have to change the page to compare another product, customer can stay on that page and select other products and compare. Our app also offer the product selection on the Compare page where customer can select collection wise product. To watch the live demo you can check out our demo store whose url you can see below.