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Magical Vacation Mode

30 Ratings




About this app

Everything you need to disable buy buttons and purchasing options - Pause your online sales

A fast and easy way to disable buy buttons and purchasing options for your online store. We have everything you need to put pause your online sales letting you take a break, go on holiday, or get caught up. Our simple app allows you to easily turn ordering options on/off, hide price, publish a message for your visitors, and even collect emails so you can let your customers know when you're back to selling. Our friendly support team is on standby to help get you setup in minutes.

  • Disable Buy Buttons and Purchasing Options
  • Publish a sitewide message to inform your customers
  • Collect emails to notify customers when you return
  • Toggle On/Off with the flip of a switch
  • Take a worry free vacation or break

App Insights

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38 total brands in our network using this app
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Recent Reviews



United States

While scouring the internet trying to find a good solution for going away for a few days, I learned about Magical Vacation Mode in the Shopify Forums. I certainly am glad that I gave it a try. The app did exactly what I needed it to...let my visitors know that they can look at my items but not purchase until my return. There was also an option for them to request a notification when I reopened. When I installed the app, I quickly received a note from a human asking if I needed help setting it up! While I didn't, it was easy, it was nice that someone was there if I needed them. When I returned, it was painless to go back to selling. I can't recommend this service enough, it solves a problem that enables me to take time off without the worry.