Loading Screen & Transitions paired with Lazy Load & Link Predict a good recipe for speed & branding
The loading screen.. Entertain your customers with a beautiful loading screen & transitions. Animate your logo, modify: size, bgr, transition type & start pos.. Lazy Load & Link Predict "TurboMode" boosts your page speeds by delaying image & video loads until the user scrolls to them + hover based link predict / preparation! Slowing down my store? No, thanks to cache technologies we were able to reduce unnecessary script loads. Once page is visited, the scripts will already be loaded!
Great app!, really enyoyed the features the app brings to me. Looks really elegant and classy! Such a nice app
Extremely good plugin to easily create a good looking preloader. Lot of options, easy to customize and a good price. The support is very quick (reactions within 5 minutes). I would recommend this plugin to anyone who wants to implement a preloader very easy. No coding required :)