Make Gift Cards Easy To Gift! An Easier Way For Your Customers To Buy & Send Gift Cards Directly.
With Gift Card Pro, your customers can now send digital Gift Cards directly to recipients via Email or Text. When a customer goes through the Gift Card purchasing process on your store, they can choose from multiple Gift Card designs, add a pre-set or custom monetary value, include a written gift message, record a video message, and select a specific date and time that they would like the Gift Card to be delivered. You can choose the options your customers see, and build a unique experience.
Free to install
United States
Great features and slick looking product page offering. Allows for a lot of customization from customers looking for a gift!
United States
The app installed easily right out of the gate and provides a great gift card experience to our customers! Also, customer service has been great (thanks Tim)! We needed some customizations done, and Tim did them same day. He also made some suggestions on how to improve the flow, which I really appreciated! The features that this app provides us should be provided by Shopify. I'm very unhappy that Shopify + members have to resort to an app for something so basic. But if you want your customers to send gift cards directly to recipients, Gift Cards Pro is the app that can make it happen!
United States
This gift card app is great - in both form and function! It's only been up a short time, so we'll see how customers like it, but we're excited about it. A major upgrade from Shopify's basic gift cards! Tim is AMAZING, both quick to respond, kind, and down to earth. Very happy.
United States
Great customer service! Looking forward to seeing how my customers enjoy video messages and scheduling along with the gift cards.