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GEO based currency conversion, redirects and popups

157 Ratings


About this app

Reach new markets with Geolizr Geo-Targeting!

geolizr allows you to display country-specific content. If you sell in multiple countries. geolizr helps you display special offers based on the visitor's location, redirect visitors to a country-specific store (if you have multiple stores set up or if you use langify or Shopify Markets). Redirect visitors to country-specific landing pages, and display all prices in your visitor's local currency. Geolizr also supports Shopify Payments currencies.

  • Geolizr Redirect Widget - Redirect to the locale Store
  • Geolizr Popup or Notification Widget - Inform your Customer
  • Geolizr Currency Widget - Show the locale Currency for your Customers


Store design

Key Benefits

  • Easy Setup: No coding skills required
  • Increase conversions: Display country specific informations
  • 4 GEO TARGETING APPS IN 1: currency conversion, notifications, popups, redirects - all based on the visitor's location and highly customizable

Pricing Plans


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