Product reviews, photo reviews, video reviews for your store that look beautiful and increase sales.
Fera is the ultimate product review app for managing and growing your store's customer reviews, photo reviews, and video reviews. Showcase product reviews without sacrificing your brand's aesthetics, import reviews from Google, AliExpress, Amazon, Etsy, and more, and schedule automatic review requests to gather product reviews and feedback. With complete customization options for your product reviews, Fera reviews app effortlessly showcases your product reviews and grows your business.
Transferred my reviews from bigcartel to shopify in no time thanks to the support. Can only recommend !
I'm still configuring the app, but the customer support is very good.
United States
nice app
User friendly system to import Etsy reviews with a simple and effective appearance on item listings
United States
I found this app through Google and I am so glad I found it. My only regret is not find it earlier. My store looks so pretty and it makes so much more sense paying for their fees over paying for trustpilot (extremely expensive and overrated). Money is not even the issue. But the widgets from trustpilot are so ugly and not aesthetic pleasing. This app can customize the reviews to perfectly your website and looks so high end and customized. Not to say how amazing their customer service is! I basically spent the whole afternoon requesting changes from them and they were so quick to do every single one of them with so much efficiency! Im grateful i found this app!