Import authentic reviews from multiple wholesalers to build strong social proof and get more sales.
Editorify enhances your store by importing customer reviews with photos and videos from top dropshippsites like Aliexpress, Amazon, Etsy, Temu and more. Customize reviews to fit your store's style, ensuring a seamless user experience on all devices. Our moderation tools allow filtering of content and manual review approval, ensuring quality feedback. Designed for performance, Editorify doesn't compromise your site's speed, offering a robust solution for building customer trust and boost sales.
Mike from support was quick to reply, provide clear instructions and fix my issue that I submitted the night before. When I woke up this morning, I received an email stating the problem was fixed. Awesome service! Thanks again.
United States
I had an issue. Contacted support and the response was really quick. The problem was resolved in a very short time. The app does work really well.
Update: I asked one queston and got a reply immediately! Thank you very much, Mike! I love this app! I have imported the reviews from my Etsy shop. It is so easy! And the customer service is wonderful! I definitely recommend this app to all Etsy sellers. Thank you so much, Moshe, for your great service!
United States
I’ve never written an app review before but the support is so great for Editorify I had to make time! Moshe is sooo helpful and responsive you can’t go wrong. Only issue I have is switching over to this new review app I have to enter all my current Shopify reviews manually to match new reviews set up. Otherwise it’s fairly easy to import reviews from Etsy.
United States
This app does its job and the customer service was fast and professional. Great job guys I would recommend.
United States
The team was very helpful in pasting the code to the right place (when I couldn't find where to put it). Looks great now!