Bulk fulfill orders and generate tracking links automatically for your custom and local carriers.
Fulfill your orders manually one by one in our easy-to-use interface or bulk fulfill from CSV/XLS file. Our fulfillment app will automatically generate tracking links for you! Have a list of your tracking codes in Excel? Mass fulfill all your orders in bulk, easily importing your tracking codes for orders in CSV/XLS. Our app automatically generates tracking links for your custom carriers based on tracking number! Grow business fulfilling orders with Easy Fulfillment.
United States
It's great. The bulk upload is super intuitive and works perfectly. And you can fulfill orders without sending a customer notification. I was able to bulk fulfill almost 800 orders in under 15 minutes. A very well thought out product.
New Zealand
Easy to use and does exactly what we wanted it to do. Perfect for any major sales campaign, as still able to give customer their individual tracking info and keep it personal.