Dynamic collection merchandising & collection sorting management by tag, metafield, inventory & type
Automatic collection sorting & collection merchandising based on price, margin, metafield, inventory, product age, sales, tags, on-sale, product type, and more. Collection order rule sets based on weighted values that automatically sort collections taking the work out of collection management, extend your collection sorting options, and update collection order to merchandising perfection. Set a collection ordering schedule or order collections continually as sales or inventory changes.
United States
Dynasort app has been a great addition for the Dakine store. We use this app to help merchandise collections. I'm able to easily assign attributes to product data, resulting in bringing newness & best sellers to the front of collection pages. This is a dynamic tool that can be customized to your merchandising plan!
United States
Dynasort is the solution you need. Yes, seriously. This is one of those apps that has the potential of saving you from hiring an extra seat on staff, at a minimum. As a Director of User Experience at a small company with limited resources, I have to try and offload as many tasks to these kinds of apps as I can for my own sanity. Dynasort keeps the right products at the top of your collections and takes away a tedious, manual process. But it also allows an extremely high sales performance because it's responding to very liquid realities that I no longer have to monitor. The numbers in sales that it's brought in in the first month of usage has paid for the app multifold. Thanks to the Berg team for this killer app!
United States
Dynasort is a merchandising life saver! Not only does it save time from having to do the work manually but the metrics actually do a better job than we could do manually. I love that you can get very granular if that suites your needs but you can also keep things more generic for collections that call for it. Highly recommend adding this app!