Get a Free Cookies Consent Banner! Ensure EU GDPR & CCPA compliance with 24/7 LIVE CUSTOMER SUPPORT
Consentik Cookie is your all-in-one solution for cookie compliance with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, CPA & more. Create customizable cookie banner to manage consent effortlessly. Enjoy features like multi-language support, automatic tracking script blocking, data request, and seamless integration with Checkout Ext, Google Consent Mode V2, and Microsoft Universal Event Tracking (UET) Consent Mode, Sklik. Enhance user experience and ensure compliance with this powerful tool. Simplify cookie management today.
United Kingdom
Super helpful team, they supported me through uploading and setting up the cookie banner and ensuring that I was inline with Google Consent V2.
amazing supportive team, very fast and reliable in terms of helping you out including customisations
United Kingdom
Nice and clean and most importantly fast loading! Works well for us unlike some others that were buggy. Recommended.
United States
Looking good so far! Just installed, will test the app for 30 days and hopefully all works well. Liking the option to only show to EU countries.
United States
Absurdly easy I had been dreading dealing with this, but instead this free app was incredibly easy. Just install it, select the colors that go with your site, and customize with whatever compliant message you want, and put link to your Privacy Policy. Done.