Advanced CB-Ask Product Question & FAQ Have you received a lot of queries from your customers? Yes! Customers will always have many questions in mind before purchasing the products. CB-Ask Product Question-FAQ extension allows admin to add questions and answers and display them on the product detail pages or FAQ pages The extension is built up to help customers understand your products more through questions and answers. It also increases your search engine optimization score (SEO) on product detail pages. How it works This app allows customers to ask questions about products and displays the question on the product page. They can update recent questions in a while. Optimize questions and answers for search engines, improve your SEO score. Send notification to email(s) or slack whenever a customer asks a question. Set your authorized domain to send a trust email to asker Support fully responsive & multiple layouts App can save contacts and has them subscribed into Iterable, Mailchimp, Segment, Amplitude, Klaviyo,... Export contacts Collect FAQ and build effective FAQ pages with multiple templates Allow to custom locale language Friendly admin dashboard for prompt actions, simple & advanced settings. Advanced CB-Ask Product Question & FAQ Have you received a lot of queries from your customers? Yes! Customers will always have many questions in mind before purchasing the products. CB-Ask Product Question-FAQ extension allows admin to add questions and answers and display them on the product detail pages or FAQ pages The extension is built up to help customers understand your products more through questions and answers. It also increases your search engine optimization score (SEO) on product detail pages. How it works This app allows customers to ask questions about products and displays the question on the product page. They can update recent questions in a while. Optimize questions and answers for search engines, improve your SEO score. Send notification to email(s) or slack whenever a customer asks a question. Set your authorized domain to send a trust email to asker Support fully responsive & multiple layouts App can save contacts and has them subscribed into Iterable, Mailchimp, Segment, Amplitude, Klaviyo,... Export contacts Collect FAQ and build effective FAQ pages with multiple templates Allow to custom locale language Friendly admin dashboard for prompt actions, simple & advanced settings.